The role of state in Islam

In Islam state is administered in the name of God. The state is merely an instrument for realisation of spiritual and material goals. The concept of sovereignty is completely absent in Islamic state. Authority belongs to Allah alone. In Islam authority or power to rule is a trust of the people not the birth right of any individual. It is therefore to be exercised through democratic process, as Quran says “And consult them in affairs”. “And they conduct their affairs by mutual consultation.”

A) Spiritual Values
The role of state in Islam is welfare oriented. It not only looks after the moral and spiritual health of the people but also to the material (well-being of the people. For building up the moral and spiritual values in individual and society it helps in.

1) Creating environments suitable for the brought up of children.
2) In cultivating the spirit of Islam by providing Islamic education and practical training to the young generation who should lead the people of the world in art and science and trade and industry.
3) Strict enforce must of Islamic laws with strict punishment to those who violate them.

B) Basic Needs Approach
Another feature of Islamic state is that it recognizes the equality in the basic needs of every man. It is prineiy duty of the state to provide basic needs to individuals which are:
1) Availability of sufficient food to maintain body.
2) Suitable clothing.
3) Adequate shelter.
4) Suitable proper education.

C) Economic Role of the State
The economic role of the state of Islam is different from that of Capitalism and communism. It is to some extent compromise between two systems. The main functions of the state in Islam are as under.

1) Social and Economic Justice: Islam recognizes social and economic justice for all the individuals irrespective of creed, colour and caste. It is the duty of the state to see that no individual is exploited by another individual. Social and individual welfare is complementary and not competitive in Islam.

2) Utilization of Resources: Economic resources of the country in an Islamic state are placed at the disposal of the state. Since these resources are a trust from God. It is therefore the responsibility of the state to make full utilization of economic resources for the economic welfare of the people.

3) Stability in Prices of Commodities: It is the duty of the state to follow a fiscal policy which creates minimum fluctuations in the value of currency of the country. Since the changes in the value of money do not affect all persons equally, there for social justice and economic welfare demands that there should be minimum erosion in the value of money, so the prices should not rise.

4) Social Security: It is the primary duty of the Islamic state to see that there is complete equality among its citizens for the provision of basic needs. Islam guarantees a minimum standard of living for all its people. It gives equal treatment to all individuals and does not differentiate on the basis of colour, race or any other distinction. Man’s worth is determined not by wealth he possesses but by character, ability and his sense to mankind.

5) Wider Circulation of Wealth: Islam is against the concentration of wealth in a few hands. It believes in fair distribution of income. An Islamic state therefore enforces distributive justice for every individual.

6) Maintenance of Law and Order: it is the primary duty of the state to enforce law and order in the country. If the life and property of the citizens is secure and safe, they can work with peace. When every one in the society is satisfied, it leads to economic progress and stability in the country.

7) Harmonous Relations with Other Countries: It is the duty of state to develop harmonous relations with Muslim countries of the world in particular and other countries in general. The role of Islamic state is to work for the welfare of mankind. It should cooperate with those who are right and pious and shun the aggression and sin.

8) Fiscal Measure: There is an active intervention of Islamic state in the social and economic affairs of the country. For the performance of various functions it needs money. An Islamic state can raise revenue through (1) Zakat and Usher (2) Taxation and (3) Borrowing.