Petra Nemcova Lifestyle

Supermodel Petra Nemcova was bear June 24, 1979, Carina, Czech state. He is known global for his 2003 face of Sports illustrate bikini Issue. Dryly, it is December 26, 2004, he have to cling to a ranking for eight hours with no a dip suit when the tsunami strike Thailand.

She is busy to British artist Jamie Bellmen after eight months of story, has been inveterate. The date comes six years gone Petra lost her fiancé, Simon Atlee in the tsunami in the Indian sea in 2004, whilst the couple is in Thailand.

 Petra Nemcova

 Petra Nemcova

 Petra Nemcova

 Petra Nemcova

 Petra Nemcova

 Petra Nemcova Lifestyle

 Petra Nemcova Lifestyle

Petra Nemcova Lifestyle